Авторы: Ковальчук Лина, ВГСПУ, гр. Д-ДАБ-41, Лоханова Ольга, ВГСПУ, гр. Д- ПАБ-41, преп. доц. Подгорская О.Н., ВГСПУ, кафедра английского языка и методики его преподавания
Аннотация: Участники данного мероприятия окажутся на улицах Лондона, познакомятся с некоторыми достопримечательностями столицы Великобритании, вспомнят реальные истории об известных жителях Лондона.
1. Экскурсия на туристическом автобусе по улицам Лондона:
Аудиоматериалы с заданиями на понимание (перейти на сайт Британского Совета)
2. Своя игра
Примечание. Просмотрите презентацию, пользуясь навигацией (см кнопки под слайд-шоу), затем проверьте себя, выполнив задания к данной презентации, представленные ниже. Если вы не помните правильные ответы, просмотрите презентацию ещё раз и вновь выполните задание.
Questions on the Presentation
• Вопросы категории” The Royal Opera House“ Give the full name of the theatre. How many seats are there in the main auditorium? What is it famous for? |
• Вопросы категории “Westminster Abbey” Where is Westminster Abbey located? What is it famous for? How many visitors does Westminster Abbey welcome? |
• Вопросы категории «Tate Modern» Where is Tate Modern located? What kind of art can you explore there? When was the museum established? |
• Вопросы категории «The Sherlock Holmes Museum» Where is the museum located? What does the museum recreate? What is it famous for? |
• Вопросы категории «The Globe Theatre» Where is the theatre located? What kind of performances are staged there? What is it famous for? |
• Вопросы категории «Warner Bros. Studio Tour. London» Where is the studio located? What chance does it give to the visitors? What is it famous for? |
3. Quiz: How well do you know London?
Примечание: Если вы выполняете данный квиз на компьютере, вы можете воспользоваться функцией проверки своего ответа. Для этого наведите курсор мыши на строку Hover your mouse to see the answer. Вы также можете посмотреть правильные ответы по этой ссылке.
1. What is the name of the British Royal Family’s residence in Central London? a. Tower of London b. The Royal Place c. Buckingham Palace d. Hampton Court Palace |
Hover your mouse to see the answer |
2. When did the London Eye officially begin operating? a. December 31, 1999 b. June 1, 1997 c. March 9, 2000 d. January 5, 2001 |
Hover your mouse to see the answer |
3. What river does London stand on? a. the Severn b. the Trent c. the Thames d. the Potomac |
Hover your mouse to see the answer |
4. What is the largest Museum in London? a. Madame Tussauds Museum b. The Museum of Westminster Abbey c. The British museum d. The Sherlock Holmes Museum |
Hover your mouse to see the answer |
5. When was the Museum of London first opened? a. 1900 b. 1938 c. 1976 d. 1990 |
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6. Where can you see a variety of musicals and theatre shows? a. West End b. Lambeth c. East End d. Camden |
Hover your mouse to see the answer |
7. What birds reside in the Tower of London? a. Ravens b. Doves c. Sparrows d. Eagles |
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8. What building is located in the centre of the Tower? a. The Bloody Tower b. The White Tower c. Crown Jewels d. Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress |
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9. Which of these places is connected with the historic victory of the British fleet under the command of Nelson in 1805? a. Trafalgar Square b. St. Paul’s Cathedral c. Westminster Abbey d. The Tower of London |
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10. Find the correct statement. a. Regent’s Park is perfect for children because of the statues of well-known storybook characters and the Round Pond, where they like to sail their model boats on. b. To become an Act of Parliament a new law must pass through three stages in the House of Lord. c. Westminster Palace was rebuilt by Edward the Confessor in the gothic style because of the fire in 1834. d. St. James’s Park is the oldest one in London. |
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11. The statue of the famous fairy-tale hero, Peter Pan, can be seen in … a. Regent`s Park b. Kensington Gardens c. St. James`s Park d. Hyde Park |
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12. London Zoo is in … a. Kensington Gardens b. Hyde Park c. Regent`s Park d. St. James`s Park |
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13. Why is it called Bloody Tower? a. Blood was kept there. b. A king was killed there. c. A queen was killed there. d. It has a history of blood. |
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14.What are the Houses of Parliament famous for? a. The country’s leaders speak there. b. Princess Diana lived there. c. The queen Elisabeth II lives there. d. It was a fortress 100 years ago. |
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15. It is one building but why do we say “The Houses of Parliament”? a. There are two “Chambers” or “Houses” of Parliament — that of the Commons and that of Lords. b. It has a lot of rooms. c. There were three buildings. d. The members of Parliament live there. |
Hover your mouse to see the answer |
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